M&S Kiosk Testing

Goal/ Challenge:

Usability test UK developed touch-screen kiosk application to be introduced into the French market will work for users.

The Project: 

The client needed to understand if the device and the software will work well for French users. 

The objective of this round of testing was to assess users’ understanding and interaction with the touchscreen kiosk destined for the French market. In particular, the touch screen swiping and tapping gestures were of interest and how the participants coped with the checkout process including the credit card swipe and the barcode scanner.

M&S Kiosk Checkout Screen
M&S Kiosk Checkout Screen

Approach/ Constraints:

Six one to one usability testing sessions were carried out at RedEye’s London Victoria usability lab on 20th October 2011, with professionally recruited users. Each session lasted 1 hour.

The prototype kiosk unit and software were developed in the UK. Working within the client’s budget and logistical constraints, the project team and the client agreed that usability testing can be carried out in the UK with French speaking UK residents. It would have been ideal if the usability testing can be carried out in France where the device would be launched. Regardless, the project team set out to meet the project goal with: 

  • Usability testing beta software on prototype hardware 
  • 1 day usability testing with 6 participants
M&S Kiosk Usability Testing Setup
M&S Kiosk Usability Testing Setup


  • Lead moderator
  • Co-moderator – June Lim
  • IT support (client & RedEye)
  • UK based client coordinator 

My Role:

Co-moderator, Participant recruitment

Participant Recruitment

Working together with the client, I prepared the recruitment profiles and screener which were signed off by the client. Using an external recruiter, we recruited a total of 6 participants and carried out a 1 day usability testing. 

Usability Testing Script

Collaborating with the client and lead moderator, I wrote the usability testing script. Usability testing sessions were carried out in a lab setting using the prototype device supplied by the client using beta software provided by the client. Sessions were recorded and the support moderator observed from a separate room using Morae.  


After the usability testing sessions, both moderators came together to compare findings and produced a report for the client. 

M&S Kiosk Testing Report
M&S Kiosk Testing Report

Key Findings: 

The usability testing sessions revealed that the kiosk was well received by many participants and the idea and inspiration behind it appealed to these participants. It was also apparent that even in its unfinished state the core journey was achievable.

However, how to use the touchscreen was a recurring theme. Participants were at first not sure which gestures would work on the touchscreen, whether they were swiping, dragging or tapping.

Additionally, despite the fact that participants did enjoy using the kiosk and liked its look and feel they did not know if they would actually use the kiosk to make a purchase. During debriefs, participants were asked if they would use it once it was installed in store. Some replied in the positive, but most said they would prefer to order their clothes at home on the website.


  • Full report containing severity ratings table & recommendations
  • Full set of video footages output from Morae recordings
M&S Kiosk In Store
M&S Kiosk In Store
M&S Kiosk In Use
M&S Kiosk In Use

Outcome/ Impact:

With the key findings and report, the client team returned to review and fine tune the application. The kiosks were eventually successfully launched in the French market.