PayByBank website


Introduce a website for PayByBank payment gateway service offering, factoring in phased content introduction as they become available in new iterations.


Collaborate with UX director, stakeholders, UX visual designers to come up with a new website enabling the client to launch their PayByBank payment gateway infrastructure offering.


At the point of designing, the service offering was at its inception. Content was non-existent. The team had to map out the potential different user journeys, anticipating the type of content they will require. Plan a phased introduction of each type of content based on different phase of website iteration.


  • User flows/ journeys
  • Website content exercise
  • IA/ Navigation menu
  • Sketches/ Wireframes
  • PO meetings
  • Documentation
PayByBank journey maps
PayByBank journey maps
PayByBank Consumer Journey Map
PayByBank Consumer Journey Map
PayByBank Sitemap
PayByBank Sitemap
PayByBank Content Exploration
PayByBank Content Exploration


  • UX Director (Else London)
  • UX Architect/ Consultant – June Lim
  • Developers (Else London’s Development Partner)
  • Product Owner (
